En una revisión sistemática reciente desarrollada por nuestro grupo revisó los datos publicados de un total de 266 pacientes operados por atresia de coanas con abordaje endoscópico y con uso de colgajos intranasales. La cirugía se consideró exitosa si el paciente se mantenía asintomático y no presentaba síntomas de obstrucción de la vía aérea durante el periodo de seguimiento. Si la cirugía fallaba, una segunda intervención sería necesaria. Se logró una cirugía exitosa en 237 pacientes (89.1%), mientras que en 29 pacientes (10.9%) necesitaron otra intervención.
🇬🇧 A recent systematic review developed by our research group revealed compiled available data of a total of 266 patients operated with endoscopic approach with endonasal flaps for congenital choanal atresia repair. Surgery was considered successful if the patient manifested no symptoms of airway obstruction. Objectively, the procedure was considered successful if the new choana prevailed patent and asymptomatic postoperatively during the follow-up period. If surgery was unsuccessful, a new surgical intervention was required. Successful surgery was obtained in 237 (89.1%) patients while 29 (10.9%) patients needed a new surgical intervention during the follow-up period.