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Writer's pictureRicardo Bartel

El Incus (Yunque).

Updated: Aug 5, 2020

El Incus: Un defecto en la rama larga del incus es una de las causas mas frecuentes de discontinuidad osicular. Hay varios factores etiológicos para la discontinidad de la articulación incudo-estapedial, incluyendo las otitis medias crónicas (con o sin colesteatoma), otitis media adhesiva, bolsillos de retracción, timpanoesclerosis y traumas de hueso temporal. La desarticulacion conlleva a una hipoacusia de ransmision. Varias tecnicas existen para reconstruir la articulación incudoestapedial, incluyendo la trasnposicion de material biológico, el uso de protesis osiculares parciales (PORP) y cemento de hueso. Como comentabamos, es el defecto oscicular mas frecuentemente encontrado (60% de todos los defectos osiculares). Suele encontrarse con un estapedio mobil e íntegro. 👉

🇬🇧 The incus: A defect of the long process of the incus is one of the most frequent causes of ossicular discontinuity. There are several aetiological factors for incudo-stapedial joint discontinuity, including chronic middle ear disease with or without cholesteatoma, adhesive otitis media, retraction pockets, tympanosclerosis, and temporal bone trauma. Separation of the incudo-stapedial joint may lead to conductive hearing loss. Various techniques have been described with which to reconstruct incudo-stapedial joint continuity, including transposition of a biological autograft or homograft, and use of partial ossicular replacement prostheses (PORP) and bone cement. As commented previously, the most frequently seen ossicular problem is a defective or missing incus with an intact and mobile stapes and the malleus handle (60% of all ossicular defects).

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